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Strengthening Company Culture Through Management of Work Hours

commitment from transparency

Trust is an essential component of a relationship between employee and employer. This is the foundation for a positive and healthy workplace people want to work in and commit to. Many factors amount to trust, including time registration.

Society used to see people start their jobs in their 20’s and retire from there in their 50’s or 60’s. Younger and newer employees on the hunt for employment are less committed to one single company now more than ever. Many organisations try to compete for their attention and commitment by offering generous amenities and pretty salaries. Yet, company culture is often an important reason why people leave an organisation a lot sooner than their employers would prefer.

Establishing Trust at Work

Establishing trust with your employees means more effort and resources invested into them as a whole. As a result, it means that these employees are more motivated and innovative than employees who do not experience trust from their employer. Even more so, trust is one of the biggest indicators of financial success for an organisation.

One of the main ways to establish trust is to increase transparency between upper management and all employees. This can look like many things: sending out internal newsletters to communicate news, talking more directly with employees at all levels, establishing a different internal structure, and making changes to schedules or other routines easily accessible.

How does TimeMoto help you establish trust?

TimeMoto’s Cloud solution makes planning and recording work hours easy, stress-free, and comprehensive for everyone involved. We know how important it is to keep track of work time and how stressful that can be. Changing schedules, handling sick days, and, of course, labour laws: challenges like these require a solution that makes life easier for you.

TimeMoto has many features that can be used for businesses of any size. Using the Time & Attendance features makes it easier to stay up-to-date on who’s working and keep track of hours. You can monitor employee attendance remotely, see where they are, when they clocked in, and what project they’re working on.

Of course, transparency goes both ways. Our solution involves a transparent change log, which provides an audit trail for all parties involved. So, when changes are made (for example, changing a clocking action for an employee who forgot to clock in when they arrived), employees can see what was done.

Stay Up-To-Date With TimeMoto

TimeMoto helps you to stay up to date with labour laws and implement these rules to your account. This makes sure that your business complies with all local labour laws without having to put more energy into it past set-up. And, finally, you can set notifications to make things easier. You will no longer need to check up on employees constantly. You will always be informed when important events occur, such as missed clocking actions or employees working too much overtime. Make it easier on yourself to act on this.

Using TimeMoto makes your life easier and helps generate more trust with your employees. When you invest in solutions that make trust inevitable, you create an environment in which employees flourish and want to stay.

Try TimeMoto for yourself, free for 30-days.

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