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“Employees love being able to monitor their clock-ins”
- Bowe Dental Clinics
- Dentistry
- 3 locations
- 37 employees
- Limerick, Ireland
"TimeMoto saves me at least 1.5 hours a week on chasing timesheets and correcting errors - that's 78 hours a year!"
Eamonn O’Meachair
Group Manager
TimeMoto saves Bowe Dental Clinics over 60% in payroll calculating time
Bowe Dental Clinics, a fast-growing dental practice in Ireland, replaced its paper-based employee time-tracking system with TimeMoto in 2023. This change to digital saves them time and money in administration, while worked hours including overtime are calculated and compensated correctly.
Based in the Irish province of Munster, Bowe Dental Clinics provides quality dental care to families. Since its founding in 2009, the business has grown to three locations, with plans to add another two next year. One of the reasons for this growth is versatility. “We cater for general, surgical, and implant dentistry", says Eamonn O’Meachair, Group Manager at Bowe Dental. “On top of this, we see private and medical card patients. While many clinics are pulling away from the Irish medical card system, we are expanding in this area, allowing us to give back to the community by providing much-needed public dental care as well as private.”
Eamonn has a management background and is experienced with digital solutions to record work hours and monitor attendance. When joining Bowe Dental two years ago, one of his first challenges was to find a better way to record and manage working hours. While a system with paper timesheets worked for the dentistry practice in the past, it was still time-consuming. “The time it took to chase staff to hand in their paper timesheets, for example. And because we work from multiple locations, there was no way to verify if hours were correct. Once our team doubled in size, I needed to find a digital clock-in and holiday request platform.”
Bowe Dental Clinics setup
TimeMoto Cloud Plus Plan
40 users
"TimeMoto saves me at least 1.5 hours a week on chasing timesheets and correcting errors - that's 78 hours a year!"
At first, Eamonn looked into a digital clocking solution that he used in his previous job for a large retail company, managing a large group of employees. After research, however, he found that TimeMoto would suit the business better. “With plans to grow to over 50 employees next year, a clocking-in system should provide finger or handprint authentication with physical clock-in terminals.” The business installed TimeMoto Time Clocks in all three of its locations in 2023. Employees clock in using their fingerprint, RFID cards and also remotely on the app for those who work hybrid. All employees have the app downloaded on their mobile devices, to monitor worked hours or request holidays. “Employees love being able to monitor their clock-ins on the app, as it allows them to ensure they have clocked correctly, and alert management if they see an error” says Eamonn. “This has also reduced the correction of errors, as staff are alerting us in advance, so we can correct them before we run the pay report.”
Since its installation in 2023, TimeMoto has helped the business in many ways. "It has reduced my payroll calculating time by over 60%. It allows me to do my payroll tasks from any Clinics or remote, as it is all online. And best of all, it has saved me approx. 1.5 hours a week, chasing late timesheets, or correcting errors – That’s 78 hours a year!”
Furthermore, TimeMoto has helped with more precise wage calculations for staff, as well as attendance and absence reports available at the click of a button. “Staff have also taken positively to TimeMoto, and they have become more favourable to come in early or stay late when required as they know they will be accurately paid for the hours clocked. I would have no hesitation in recommending TimeMoto for any business. It’s a very easy-to-use platform, easy to install and fully adaptable as your business grows. On top of this, it's great value for money, as you can choose a plan that suits your business size.”
We've got you covered
Looking for a single, easy-to-use, system that can handle all your timesheets, scheduling, and reporting needs in a fraction of the time? Meet TimeMoto and set up your time management solution.
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Marquee Structures
- Marquee Structures
- Manufacturing and event planning
- 20 employees
Based in Leeds (UK), Marquee Structures provides temporary structures for various clients. Especially Summer can be busy with festivals, weddings, and other events. “As we grew as a business, we were too busy to keep track of hours manually”, says Liam Holdsworth, who is account manager and responsible for most of the company’s administration. When looking for an easier solution, he discovered TimeMoto. “Our team has been using it every day for two years.”