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Here Are Some Tips for Your Business to Plan for the Summer Holiday

TimeMoto cloud reports

Blue skies, sandy beaches, city trips, and camping through the weekend. We all know what we’re looking forward to during the summer holiday. Summer is a time to relax for many people. To be able to unwind and not think about work.

Some people like to take their work with them and optimise their travels by working and visiting new destinations at the same time when they get the chance to travel over the summer. But if you run a business and/or are responsible for your company’s HR administration, summer can be a challenge. Keeping track of who is gone and when and for how long might just add more stress to your summer instead of keeping things easy. Here are our tips to help you plan for the summer holiday:

Define the dates that your employees are going on Holiday. Know exactly when they leave and when they plan to return. This is whether or not they are actually taking these days off. Knowing they won’t be in the office during this time is valuable because you can advise working employees when to come in or not. It’ll help reduce office costs by saving electricity and prevent any lonely employees from showing up when no one else is there.

Know who is working remotely and who you shouldn’t contact. As mentioned, some people like to make the most out of their chance to travel and stay a little longer by also taking their home office along with them. While they travel, you should know precisely when they decide they’re going to work and when they’re going to take time off. This way, you don’t disturb them while they’re not on the clock and can save all your questions for them for when they are.

Make it easy for your employees that are working remotely. Use a cloud-based time management system, such as TimeMoto, to know when they are working and when they are not to calculate hours for you. Here you can plan shifts and get an overview of all your employees’ hours. This option also makes flexible time models easy for your employees, making the previous point a smooth transition for you and them. Give them the autonomy to clock in work when it suits them best.

Make sure all your employees aren’t all vacationing at the same time. To keep things running smoothly, ensure there are enough people in every department to manage the day-to-day business. This sounds obvious, but keeping a clear overview can still be challenging. Also, be prepared to have less staff working than usual and plan for that.

Get ahead of the business while things are slow. It’s no secret that business often slows down as the weather heats up, so use this time to evaluate things you and your company needs. Clean your workspace, replace broken tools and missing supplies, update internal services, and plan for the months ahead.

Consider a flexible summer schedule. With gorgeous weather and fantasies of being out from behind a computer, it gets hard to focus, even if you’re not on holiday. By having a flexible hours schedule, employees can decide when they want to get their work done, as long as it works for both the company and them.

Lastly, make sure you and your employees can enjoy time off. Being able to disconnect and recharge is crucial to maintaining employee well-being and keeping people positively motivated. Making sure employees take time off directly ties to their ability to pay attention, remain creative, and stay productive.

To figure out what suits your business best, check out our configurator and compare our different Time Clocks. There’s also something for every size of business with our Cloud Plans. If you need any more help, visit the TimeMoto Support page.

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